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Kingdom Come Deliverance Womans Lot Chicken Feed

A Woman's Lot is the latest piece of DLC for Kingdom Come: Deliverance and it is quite a departure from what you might expect if you've spent as many hours in the game as I have. It's a very different journey to Band of Bastards. I've decided to review it in two parts as, well, there are two distinct parts to the DLC. In a Woman's Lot, you are able to complete a full storyline playing as Theresa and there is also a new questline for Henry to follow which I'll cover separately.

Before you read on there are spoilers ahead so if you want to discover the story yourself I recommend you read this after your playthrough.

View the Kingdom Come: Deliverance – A Woman's Lot trailer below:

In Theresa's story, she is retelling what happened just before and after the initial attack by the Cumans. It's a heartbreaking story that sees her almost raped, her loved ones are murdered and she is forced to kill in order to survive.

The story starts off quite tame with you carrying out simple chores such as feeding chickens, feeding your trusty hound Tinker and fetching and carrying. As you explore further you come across various characters and end up doing bits and pieces for your friends. These tasks include getting one a date to a dance, bringing beer to Henry or collecting nails from the Blacksmith.

Kingdom Come Deliverance

Credit: Warhorse Studios / Deep Silver

Not exactly exciting stuff and I was a bit disappointed at first but having now played through to the end I can see that this was just trying to give us a snapshot of Theresa's normal life as a young woman. This bland, although comical start is key to highlighting just how much she changes during her ordeal.

Once the Cumans attack, things get nasty and we see the change in Theresa. She uses stealth rather than brute force and you find yourself with a bow quite early on which proved invaluable. You are sent on various quests hunting for survivors and trying to save your dying brother to name but two. Theresa is no warrior but she can hold her own to a degree. It's much better to use stealth if you want to go killing but much of the DLC should be doable without resorting to violence.

Kingdom Come Deliverance

Credit: Warhorse Studios / Deep Silver

Accompanying you on your travels is your dog Tinker who is vital should you get into combat. You can command Tinker to attack enemies, search out treasures and issue other commands too. He was very useful in combat but I found that he got in the way quite a bit and one time he got hurt in a fight and ran off forcing me to run in the opposite direction in an attempt to get away, I failed and died, stupid dog!

Tinker's seek ability is supposed to make him search out interesting places or items. Sometimes this worked but quite often he would just run around blindly or simply drink from a puddle then bark at it. He is not the brightest pooch on the planet and yet I found myself forming a bond with this ever-present furball.

Kingdom Come Deliverance

Credit: Warhorse Studios / Deep Silver

I did encounter a few bugs during my playthrough which were cause for frustration. In one quest I had to collect various items in order to save my brother. This sounds simple enough but whilst out searching he would randomly die causing a game over and making me start again. This wouldn't be too bad but how long he survives seemed totally random. Sometimes he would last ten minutes and the next ten seconds.

Although we've talked about combat, this isn't what A Woman's Lot is about. The storytelling is where things are at here and in this, it excels. We see Theresa change from a normal young woman into something else entirely. She goes through so much and remains strong throughout it all. She puts family above everything and others before herself.

Kingdom Come Deliverance

Credit: Warhorse Studios / Deep Silver

The straw that breaks the camels back, so to speak, is when Tinker gets killed. By this time I had become so engrossed, I actually shouted: "They killed my fucking dog" in despair. He might have been a bit of a rubbish dog but he was my rubbish dog. Theresa is equally angered bellowing her war cry "Come on then goat fuckers!"

To sum up, this part of A Woman's lot won't be for everyone. If you simply want more combat oriented questlines then you'll probably find this a bit dull. However, if you want to learn more about the story behind one of the more interesting characters and love great storytelling then you'll absolutely love this.

Read part 2 where I've given my score for the DLC after reviewing Henry's questline.

The Kingdom Come: Deliverance – A Woman's Lot DLC is available now on Steam and will be available at a later date on Xbox One.


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